A neat bit of news: I’m moderating some guest Q&A panels at AetherCon VI, which is in full swing now.
AetherCon is an all-online convention where participants can roll from one panel room to another, visit events, and partake in moderated gaming sessions with game masters from every time zone.
In my case, I’ll be talking to representatives from some really neat game manufacturers. There will be five separate Q&A sessions:
Saturday Sessions
Guests: Mortis Logan, Paul Reid
Guests: Chris Garland
Sunday Sessions
Guests: Josh Harrison, Andrew Ragland, Mary Harrison
Guests: Rodney Sloan, Bob Storrar
Rising Phoenix Games (South Africa)
Guest: Justin Andrew Mason
Paths to Adventure (Big Book of Maps)
I’d love to see you there!
Rob McClellan says
Sounds awesome! Wish I could be there!