If you’re not in the habit of reading Tomdispatch.com on a regular basis, this is definitely the time to start. The reason being that Chip Ward has penned an excellent article for the site titled "What They Didn’t teach us In Library School: The Public Library as an Asylum for the Homeless." Now as a point of fact, my reference class at QC did touch on this point but more in a hypothetical sense, as a thought exercise regarding how libraries might be forced to deal with community issues such as (in this case) homelessness. No hard and fast rules were given to us as there are no hard and fast rules to such issues, but it’s something that I hear about more and more frequently in my own circles.
While you read you should probably keep in mind that the directors of public policy who have essentially created the myth that "homelessness has always been with us" (when in reality, chronic homelessness as a social phenomenon was very hard to find in the U.S. before the 1980s barring major economic dislocations like the Great Depression) and the public policy folks who fund public libraries tend to be the same people, or at least people who travel in the same social and financial circles. As Tony Robbins might say, "Hmmm. Something to think about."