The good news is this: an article discussing the peer review process in Nature.
The bad news is this: your tax dollars are being used to roll back the Freedom of Information Act. Granted, it’s at the research phase right now, but I find it difficult to believe they would have funded it had they not a strong wish to actually go ahead with it. Anyway, here’s an excerpt:
‘Tax Dollars to Fund Study on Restricting Public Data
by Richard Willing, USA Today
school $1 million to do research aimed at rolling back the amount of
sensitive data available to the press and public through
freedom-of-information requests.
Beginning this month, St. Mary’s University
School of Law in San Antonio will analyze recent state laws that place
previously available information, such as site plans of power plants,
beyond the reach of public inquiries.
Jeffrey Addicott, a professor at the law school,
said he will use that research to produce a national "model statute"
that state legislatures and Congress could adopt to ensure that
potentially dangerous information "stays out of the hands of the bad
"There’s the public’s right to know, but how much?" said Addicott, a former legal adviser in the Army’s Special Forces.’
How much, indeed?
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