Google Alert just dumped a link in my lap that I’m a bit conflicted about: it’s called "Metacrap" and it’s an angry and obnoxious attempt by Cory Doctorow to make what should be an excellent point. Namely, that not all meta-data is reliable and the level to which it is unreliable necessarily degrades its utility for everyone, including (especially?) libraries.
I’ll just say now that I have no idea who Doctorow is or why he’s so unhappy with the idea of meta-data–he seems really annoyed by the fact that the stuff is routinely misused by everybody from porn site designers to slick web marketers and novices who don’t know a thing about HTML getting involved. But he concludes by saying that meta-data are actually quite useful:
To him, I say only: Dude, calm down.
I think he’s making a few errors of his own here: a popular web site may be a better source of disinformation than fact, for example, no matter how many Google links point to it or how many hits have been logged over time–what about a completely factual site that nobody chooses to give credence to, for that matter? (Good info, no coverage. He also ignores Roy Tennant’s analysis of Google’s limitations). He’s right that as more and more pages spring up from more and more sources that nobody has first-hand knowledge of, the general quality of the information disseminated goes down, but that’s just common sense , or it should be. People have all manner of bias and those biases invariably find their ways into the work they create. No argument there.
Second, and perhaps more importantly: has anyone actually written anything on how the increasing use of meta-data will somehow solve all information seekers’ problems? Has anyone actually put that idea forth? Or is "meta-utopia" something Doctrow just came up with because it sounded cool? (I suspect the latter, but what do I know?)
Yes, meta-data are misused, sometimes badly abused, to the detriment of many. Of course there are problems. Show me anything created by the human race without the potential for misuse or problems. If you can’t–and we both know you can’t–stop your whining and help those of us who believe in meta-data’s value as an information locating aid to fix the problems that you’ve found. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
This concludes the sermon. As I said, his general point has value; he’s just burying it beneath a few tons of cranky hyperbole. I’ve included the link above so you can go read what he says and judge for yourself.
Cory is pretty worth knowing about if you’re interested in digital information, copyright, or just reading some good science fiction. You can start with this Wikipedia article
I think in your challenge “lead, follow or get out of the way” he’s definitely helping lead.
While I agree the Cory is worth knowing about, he’s pretty wrongheaded about a lot of things lately, and some of his good points tend to get lost in massive amounts of vitriol. I often have trouble reading his posts at Boing Boing for this very reason.
Metadata is abused, I agree, but I also feel that any tool that goes into wide use on the web is abused – metadata is no different from anything else in this regard. What we need is discussion of how we might prevent this abuse from being as widespread, and I don’t think he’s particularly helpful in that regard.
Of course, I’ve been annoyed by Cory Doctorow since he effusively praised Flickr albums of digitized historical documents as being the wave of the future.
sorry, when you said you had no idea who he was, I figured you honestly didn’t know who he was.
[You were right. Now, I do. Thanks for the background.–JF]