It’s difficult to know exactly what to post here. I see a lot of stuff come across my desk as I check in journals every day and sometimes an article title grabs my attention. Sadly, that hasn’t happened today (not yet anyway). Part of the problem is that I have this compulsive need to read absolutely everything I find during my lunch hour web surfing but that’s partly genetic . . . my mother has the same problem, except with her it’s newspapers (she keeps them for weeks at a time because she can’t get rid of one without reading every damn article in there, and she subscribes to several). I set up a bunch of links to websites that I like to read consistently (if not religiously) on the left margin . . . take a good look through those and you’ll notice that there’s a wacky variety of subjects and points of view. That’s another part of the problem—I rarely can bring myself to dismiss the other guy’s perspective out of hand. I mean, come on, I’m not that smart. Few are. How do I know that the guy I’m arguing with doesn’t have a good point to make? The answer is simple: I don’t. So, I read the political stuff on the left and right, and pick and choose what arguments and evidence makes sense to me. Call me a coward if you wish (others have) but that’s how I do things.
I like to read, I like to know how things work, I like to think about whether an event or an idea comes from the process or is some kind of fundamental truth, or something in between. And I like to argue, especially with folks who know how to argue (few do . . . I blame the colleges). So that puts me here, back to square one, wondering what I’m going to post here today. Right now. Right . . . NOW!
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